Sam Bennett
Silver Member
People only just started telling me how to ride today, I seriously hate people who diss other people over their riding so much, its complete bullshit.
People only just started telling me how to ride today, I seriously hate people who diss other people over their riding so much, its complete bullshit.
I probably will get alot of hate for this but when people reply to a post with "THIS"
that's why you don't buy stuff right when it comes out.Not being able to sell my scooter cuz after I buy my stuff the prices drop.
What has this world come to?
There was some little 10 year old fucker at my local the other day on a royal. My local is 2 bowls that are not set up for more than one person taking a run at a time. This little pecker just stood there at the coping for like 5 minutes, I even asked him if he wanted to go and he said no. I start hauling dick and as soon as I get to the roller, he drops in on the quarter directly perpendicular to the roll in... I bailed and slid down the ramp so I didnt annihilate this kid. Im thinking, "ok hes 10, ill let it slide", until he starts yelling "it was your fault" "what the fuck are you doing", carrying on and cursing while his other 2 friends/brother who were even younger than him are saying the same shit... Looking back at it I wish I wouldve fucking floored this kid, at least he wouldve learned his lesson because he kept up the same shit all fucking day.
I love dealing with the shitheads like that. Theres one kid that pops up on this super sick set up but cant do ----- and hes always with his dad. I asked to see it one day and just started flying around, told the kid its a real nice set up and gave it back to him. All he had to say was "I can do all of that. Whats your best trick? I bet Im better than you." THIS LITTLE MOTHERFUCKER COULD BARELY EVEN DROP IN. But his dad chimed in and said "why dont you ask for tips instead of being a brat." I thought that was hilarious.