Working on a scooter, trying to take some Odi grips off. I got the black caps/covers off.
But then it's nearly impossible to move the grips.
Suggestions? please & thank you <3
Oh I didn't know, I just heard that haha and believed itive been using wd-40 to take off and put on grips for about 3 and a half years, and i've never found that it ruins the grips in any way.
i use wd-40. get a flathead and slowly slide it under the grip as much as you can. then lift it up a bit to expose the inside of the grip. spray some wd-40 in there, and move the grip around until it becomes really loose, then it will just slide right off. when you put the grips back on, make sure you wipe off some of the wd-40, or else your grips will move around a lot while you're rding, and its really annoying.
and those caps are called barends