Why don't you make HIC SlaYers? I mean, if you cut the slit off, you can use them shimless with the original SCS. And if you keep the slit, they're HIC. Since you yourself said that ICS is crap/old technology, why don't you appease the people who enjoy scs AND hic compressions?
Hic SlaYers would make my scooter a wet dream. Viper bars don't have a big enough Y for me to enjoy them, and all other Y bars have back sweep.
You would also be making more money by having more options! You could even just make a small batch to see if people would buy them.
Anyone agree?
Hic SlaYers would make my scooter a wet dream. Viper bars don't have a big enough Y for me to enjoy them, and all other Y bars have back sweep.
You would also be making more money by having more options! You could even just make a small batch to see if people would buy them.
Anyone agree?