want a french ID or a phoenix integrated 4.5?
what would you want for the scs?
how much do you want for the scs?
or I have a black proto scs I'd trade for it
how long is it
2 ultra pro decks and an ultra fork for the smx?
I will trade a raw epic zero offset for the smxhttp://sphotos.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/s480x480/555746_302759836487392_1208251_n.jpg
offer me parts for ur parts
striper bars
tilt scs
distrct v2i deck
vertex smx
pheonix wheels
I will trade a raw epic zero offset for the smx
Trade epic for phoenix wedge?dont have the smx any more i have a wedge fork now
Trade epic for phoenix wedge?