Downside double fingerwhip flat
Fakie 360 double downside flat
I wanna see like a fs hurricane facing forward like with the scooter behind you but your facing forward
No like I always see clicked bs hurricanes where the person is facing forward but I want to see a fs hurricane like that
I wanna see a backflip bri and flair buttercup air! I also wanna see a whip rewind to kickless rewind to bri. I reckon brenton smith could do it because hes so good at combos
I wanna see like a fs hurricane facing forward like with the scooter behind you but your facing forward
No like I always see clicked bs hurricanes where the person is facing forward but I want to see a fs hurricane like that
front 270 to back noseblunt steeze
360 bar to bartwist a huge as box.
throw a bar then spread your arms out like a tuck no hander
Thats how danny rambert? does them
i wanna see