Tricks that you want to see done


Bronze member
360 whip to bar to whip
360 rewind
bri to whip rewind
tuck to finger
bar to double finger
360 triple finger
720 finger
finger to bartwist
720 tobaggan
back scooterflip to double whip
quint heelwhip
front scooterflip whip to late double whip air
fakie double whip into fakie slider
360 whip to bar to whip
360 rewind
bri to whip rewind
tuck to finger
bar to double finger
360 triple finger
720 finger
finger to bartwist
720 tobaggan
back scooterflip to double whip
quint heelwhip
front scooterflip whip to late double whip air
fakie double whip into fakie slider

josh kish 360 quad finger
tyler bonner 720 tbog
mohamed prob bar to dub finger
360 rewind alot of ppl
bri whip rewind alot of ppl


Steel Member
360 whip to bar to whip
360 rewind
bri to whip rewind
tuck to finger
bar to double finger
360 triple finger
720 finger
finger to bartwist
720 tobaggan
back scooterflip to double whip
quint heelwhip
front scooterflip whip to late double whip air
fakie double whip into fakie slider

Back scoot late double.. I almost got it. I have back scoot late whips.


Bar inward bar air so like a buttercup but with bars.
double scooter flip (prob done)
720 bri whip
bar inward whip air
double whip catch late bri air


Bronze member
bar to whip to finger air
rotorwhip to rotorwhip
180 quintwhip to fakie
bar to frontscoot spine
360 triple a stairset
2 handed handplant
frontflip shuffle
360 unturndown to turndown
turndown to unturndown to turndown air
decade to turndown


Bar to whip to finger's been done plenty of times.
Im pretty sure raymond or someone's done bar to front scoot a spine.