Tricks that you want to see done


double decade
decade air(not sure if its already been done)
flair quint whip
wallride to frontflip

a few people have done decade airs

coedies is the most legit one ive seen in his dsc footage, its actualy a decade catch 180 air, and its high aswell

but josh toy did it like 540 downwhip from quarter to bank a while back

i have seen more just can't remember


360 whip to bar to whip
360 rewind
bri to whip rewind
tuck to finger
bar to double finger
360 triple finger
720 finger
finger to bartwist
720 tobaggan
back scooterflip to double whip
quint heelwhip
front scooterflip whip to late double whip air
fakie double whip into fakie slider

360 rewind heaps of people, steve wilson also did it of a kicker
ben j did a bartwist to finger whip
pre sure john reyes would have done the last one


540 bartwist air, 540 inward air, 540 flip air, 360 backflip whip, flair finger whip, 540 fingerwhip air, back/fronty to slider, fronty/backy to sf, front flip to stall, out of qp: ally op 90 whip to fakie hang five, fronty bartwist, 360 untwist, bartwist rewind(bartwist to untwist) backy untwist, fronty heelwhip, front whip to bar, fronty tuck to whip, 360 backy spine, 180 backy spine, 180 hand plant whip spine