I've done em.Jordan said:360 bar turndown whip
360 bar bar to whip
360 whip turndown to bar
I've done em.Jordan said:360 bar turndown whip
360 bar bar to whip
360 whip turndown to bar
ScootOrDieTryin said:backflip frontflip
360 to fakie flat
double tabletop
tailwhip to tailwhip
footjam scooterflip
flare 180
can anybody do them?
i'd like to see someone who fingers with the wrong hand (like me) do fingerwhip to rewind whip front scoot.AJ Storcella said:if you kno wat a whip front scooter flip looks like then heelwhip rewind whip front scooter flip. like when you kick the rewind, do a whip front scooter flip.
so like a heelwhip kick whip front scooter flip
stan kinda did oppo lookback to turndown in an air, but the oppo lookback was more of a tweaked x-up. But, give him some time and he'll probably land it because he's like one of the only people who can oppo turndown well besides cary and maybe sanchez.zprestoe said:turndown
to oppo turndown
Gino Troian said:Fingerwhip Rewind
360 Whip Rewind
Barstand (Stand on bars)
Barwist barspin
Somebody jumping El Toro. -.-