triple whip to ankle fuuuuck (PICS INSIDE)


ya i was just riding around with my other friends at the park and i throw a lil' trip out of a bank and barely overrotated the deck and my right foot had like too much weight on the pinky toes or some shit and my ankle rolled over 90 degrees and last night it was twice the size as my left ankle

early swelling (after about 5 mins)

swelling after like 15 mins

comparison after like an hour of icing
ha dude that sucks. my ankle looks the same way right now. idk what i did to mine since i havent went to the doctors yet but i cant even like walk on it. i feel your pain dude


lol ya it sucks pretty bad. i have to waddle around the house and it is so nice out for the first time this year and i cant rideee!