Of course Tom would fangirl over this. Still though. So hyped.Matt, I am so hyped on this deck. I will be buying one as soon as I can. TSI is legit as hell.
Of course Tom would fangirl over this. Still though. So hyped.
Of course Tom would fangirl over this. Still though. So hyped.
Like you've never 'fangirl'd' something. Seriously
Saw it on LIT
you wont need pegs for it. we're not even taking peg compatibility into consideration for this deck lol.
I estimate the wieght at 2.9 lbs, and the price will be less, it is my goal to get the price lower, we have alot of pressure from dealers to raise prices, but we are not about that.
this is why tsi is so legit and the day this deck comes out im buying
Riley you don't get it, it's not about function, it's trendy or something to hate pegs.
Riley you don't get it, it's not about function, it's trendy or something to hate pegs.
this is a deck for people who dont ride pegs.