just got back from A+E guys.....
i was at the park i was messing around doing nothing spectacular...
went up on the 4ft quater did an everday feeble stall (you know, really lazy) normally its a everyday trick, like no effort needed.
went up, stalled, and jumping back in and rolling away is what you expect.....
stalled jupmed but somehow the fucking scooter got caughted and i just fell 4ft onto my head, great.
i got up and fely like, "crapp" "what have i done?"
i was bleeding, lots.
i had fallen from over 4ft "since im taller than the ramp" and landed flat
i was bleeding.lots.
kingjammienewall was with me, he rushed over to get my hoodie to stop the blood (thanks jamie).
he also let me borrow his mobile to call my mum.
my dad arrived and had seen me holding my bloody hoodie to my head.
he took my scooter and took me stright home to show my mum, she wasnt there so we waited for her to show up.
when she did she saw me holding a bloody hoodie to my head and rushed over to see what had hapened.
she was was panacin like crazy to see the blood and all.
my dad said that he was going to take me to hospital, my mum insisted that she would take me.
after a drive to the hospital, we arrived there.
we went straight into A+E.
booked in and so, waited for a visit to the doctor
waited for a while but eventually i got called.
went into my little suit and the doctor asked me all the usual questions.
i had to get stitches, first time ive ever had them.
so got the stiches sorted after a while.
then went to the x- ray room because they thought that i had cracked my skull........ it turned out to be a scratch.
so after waiting for a bit i got the results back, i had not broken my skull, i was realived.
its right on my eye brow, like perfectly joined onto it.
its going to be swollen, black and everything.
2 1/2 hours in hospital that took.
got pills to take, 2 pills 4 times a day for a week.
i discussed whether i could still go to the works as i had planned it a while ago, they said yes, it will be fine.
my mum is like making me wear a helmet though otherwise there is no chance in gods name im going.
ill waer it, im getting the stitches taken out either the morning before the works or friday night i think.
if you read all that you deserve a medal, cheers