scootsteve said:
you call any brown/ mixed race people black you idiot
wtf r u on about, you think you are cool by being ignorant. but your not.
brown/indian people arent black. black people is like people from africa, eg elijah.
mixed race people are people which have parents which each have different colour skin, rory isnt mixed race because both of his parents are brown.
why are you xcalling me an idiot when you can call any race but your own black,
i mean wtf, your the idiot , i cant wait for the day when your say this in school.
and ali and you need to stop saying that you beat me up , because basically you are saying "Hi Jamie, Do you want to fight?"
But i cant believe Matt K actually believed ali because he knows you and me and its obvios who would win in a fight, the fat ginget twat
if you want to fight me then you can tommow at school.