urbanArtt catalog!!!

Hunter Treviranus

Silver Member
i like most of the parts

just a thought

but did like "french id or K124" like help with this company? because its a European company(i believe) and the decks look the same but better.

maybe French ID/k124 is going under a new name? or under a distribution with UA?

edit: not hating but the street bars look like apex bars with cool gussets making them stronger and not gay. and the 3 clamp looks like the headtube of a orion


I find it funny that most of the designs are blatantly copied off another company but I guess it doesn't really matter. Also to anyone that likes Georgie Louis's signature bars...a picture popped up on my Facebook newsfeed awhile ago of them snapped right where the reinforcement bar is so a word of warning.
lol Addict Id decks, Orion tripple clamps, Urban Ethic forks, French Art steel tree bars...

Bryce R.

Bronze member
I find it funny that most of the designs are blatantly copied off another company but I guess it doesn't really matter. Also to anyone that likes Georgie Louis's signature bars...a picture popped up on my Facebook newsfeed awhile ago of them snapped right where the reinforcement bar is so a word of warning.
We've reached a point in the sport of scootering where it has become almost impossible to design completely original part. You can take most part in the industry and find a similar part being offered elsewhere. For example lucky endubs looked almost the same as torn and sky-high bars.


Bronze member
street bars look dope, everything else is pretty ugly, i dont get why companys dont make decks with flat sides


Steel Member
Well, I have come to realise why - they actually make grinds a little faster. HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA....HA. They do actually. Wide boxed decks only increase stability so if you're a master scooter street elitist like me, you don't want or need boxed decks.



Steel Member
street bars look dope, everything else is pretty ugly, i dont get why companys dont make decks with flat sides

In my opinion not having flat sides is not a bad thing. With sides like urbanartt, addict, and ethic I feel that the edge gives you something to dig your toes and heels on/around which makes it easier for me to do double whips flat.


Bronze member
In my opinion not having flat sides is not a bad thing. With sides like urbanartt, addict, and ethic I feel that the edge gives you something to dig your toes and heels on/around which makes it easier for me to do double whips flat.
yea thats fine, like i still prefer threshold sides but ethic sides aren't bad. im talking about like envy standard and mgp decks, i hate that shit.


Well, Urban Artt products will be shipped to distributors by the end of the month, so you all will be able to check everything out yourselves. Everything has been in development and been tested all throughout the past year, what you guys will see on the shelves are true pieces of art and genius. All of which are unique and most def not molds or copies of other brands. UA has a different mind set from most other brands. We're street, myself and the rest of the team all ride because we've been in it from the beginning and we all have a passion for it and want to see the sport and street scene travel in a different direction then where it's going right now! With brands like Proto, Addict, Tilt,Ethic, Urban Artt and other rider based/oriented companies starting to lead the way, the future is looking a lot more promising! We need to get rid of all the corporations who are marketing cheap cookie cutter scooters that belong in a skittles candy commercial.... This is real shit. If you don't like it then go to a toy shop and buy an MGP, film a "throw away edit", and complain about your life.

I'm not on here trying to say that UA will blow every other brand away forever, but I am telling you guys that along with the other legit brands I listed, Urban Artt is going to be introducing some quality parts and change the way you kids look at shit!

While you guys wait for the products to drop keep riding, keep shredding, and DIE TRYING! - Ostrom