VertX testing thread - update 3/30 - shipped!

these ppl are so sick... i sent mine out on last thursday and they sed theyll make mine due by friday so sick and yes this was a "cool story bro"

To all tester finalists,

Today is the day, last chance for you to get your forms in. I am still missing forms from Joey, Ben and Jona, let me know if you have sent them. We don’t want to have anybody left out because of forms lost in the web somewhere! Devin as agreed will look for the US mail until Friday.

We are really looking forward to your opinions, both positive and critical. We want to build parts and scooters to make your riding more enjoyable and we know they will be more affordable.

Go Scoot!


Kieran Mayhew

Bit late don't you think? They closed it ages ago. Learn to read titles!

Kieran Mayhew

You lot are lucky. I will have to wait another week or two after you get your stuff because of international shipping :(