VertX testing thread - update 3/30 - shipped!

humpurple kushiones

Steel Member
street is better than park... thats almost a fact. its funner to ride something thats not made to be ridden then to ride a park where everything is handed to you. it takes way more balls to 360 whip a ten stair then to do a bunch of pansy briflip whippidydodas late flailertucks.

also i don't understand why vertx doesnt change the headtube design. theres sooo many possibilitys its stupid to use the same exact design as lucky


street takes no balls. park does.

I wwould rather watch 10 year old briflip than jordan

are you shiittttinnnggg me? streeet takes no balls? da fuck.

TomK barring that 16 didnt take balls? that took more balls than any park trick iver ever seen.
Skateparks are made to ride. they are made so that you are safe and have the least possible chance to get hurt.

Street is made for you not to ride. You have to be creative. Stairsets and drops take more balls than any park obstacle.

Kieran Mayhew

Street takes imagination and just proves utmost creativity. If I had the street available to me that Americans do I wouldn't know what a park was.

Now lets stop having this argument here. This is a thread for Vertx discussion.

Dom Marconi

Silver Member
Anybody who is going to bitch about riding street is just as bad as bitching about riding park.
This must be one of the most immature arguments I have ever witnessed. I mean jesus, I thought one of you would be enlightened enough to say that park is just as cool as street, and vice versa. If everyone in our sport rode park, it would be gay. If everyone in our sport rode street, it would be just as gay. They are two different styles of riding, and there really is no way to argue either way without looking like an ignorant fool. Ride whatever is fun, not whatever "takes more balls" or "looks cooler".


Staff member
shut up
just fucking ride
even though park is pretty boring to watch
id rather watch a video of someone doing fun little stuff than doing like 243265462436 world firsts with no style

Kieran Mayhew

Omfgoat parrish that last bit is just continuing the argument. Shhhhhhhh everyone.

humpurple kushiones

Steel Member
I spelled it wrong on purpose. Im typing on my phone? im not trying to be all spelly

bold: excuse number one
italic: excuse number two
underline: excuse number three.
three different excuses. lmao.

if you would rather watch a tic day video than an all street video, then you have no taste in style. / argument.


who cares how much respect you'd get from bikers.

and as for park vs. street: i'd rather ride flat in my driveway than park or street...but ztkaz, that was honestly the stupidest thing saying street takes no balls. i can't even contemplate how dumb that statement was.

Kieran Mayhew

Once again. Stfu. Next person to persist in this argument gets a week.


On the topic of vertx:

Do NOT use ANY of there bolts and axles. They ALL Strip and snap. Including the bolts that hold the brake.

Kieran Mayhew

On the topic of vertx:

Do NOT use ANY of there bolts and axles. They ALL Strip and snap. Including the bolts that hold the brake.

What about the compression bolt. Please tell me that doesn't strip?