videography or photography?

i am asking your opinions on what i am better at: making videos or photography. i'm not asking you to say i suck at both or something like that but what i'm BETTER at. the reason i am doing this is because i am either going to pursue filmmaking or photography because i have a unique oppurtuniy to get a sick setup for photography or get a new mini DV camera that is OK. the reason i am asking your guys' opinions is because i think i like both the same but don't know which i should pursue. so any thoughts are greatly appreciated.
some videos i've made: double whip, thrill zone video with me and stanio, and get wrecked promo. if you haven't seen em i'll re host them later when my internet is being nice to me.
seankane said:
im not supposed to say this but i will anyway.

you suck at video, but youre good at photography.
so photo!

haha yeah i'm getting a digital SLR at the end of summer to further pursue my interest in photography but thanks for everyone's input i was thinking the same thing.


I jes think you try to hard at Editing Videos, like you tried to turn that simple clip of a dub whip off a kicker...into like a masterpiece...And sometimes you jes gotta let the clip be, and not try to spruce it all up and shit, because itll jes make it worse, same goes for long videos as well....overediting is a common problem...
none of the highscools that i have options to go to go to have video production classes. the reason i am asking everyone's opinion is because i have a limited amount of money and i am going to direct it to what i like the best, which is photography for now.