gerkin of honour
nice scooter but it needs less stock parts
Max Kernmayer said:just a question, will a t-tube fork reinforcement do the job so the fork last a while with wees, or do i have to make a stronger reinforcement? I had a very good reinforced Fork that lasted very long but when i put on my wees it started to crack...
)bradhouston( said:i got my bars n forks today thank madis
i forgot to say i nockd a tooth out and cut my lip open deep tryin to them in
I have materials for like 20 bars, but i won't take orders until school is over, which will happen in exactly 2 weeks when my exam session starts. Patience.Perry Harkum said:madiss! get the materials for bars!!
ah i want them!
Week or two to be made, maybe more.scooter kid said:madis how long does it take to get some bars made and shipped
i snapped my bars and need some more soon