Steel Member
lol i was making fun of it. they are basing the end of the world off a 2000 year old book based on a pagan god that was based off other pagan gods that was based of astrological events and zodiac symbols that has been translated and extremely edited. the fact that they even think that their loving god is going to come down and fuck all the non believers over and send them to hell because he loves them and gave them the choice to choose not to believe and showed no evidence of his existence even though he could have is completely mind boggling and absurd.
the world will never completely end unless its hit by a giant asteroid or a full on nuclear world war breaks out (which will probably cause an ice age and the radiation will kill every living thing on the planet aside some fish), its just going to keep getting worse and worse until humans are forced to change our ways, or most humans end up dying from cancer and the ones that are left are some fucked up 3 headed cyclops with tails and all the animals are no different (if the nuclear waste gets bad). it will pretty much turn into some freak show with humans back to living off the wild and whats left of the civilized world. thats what i think, it wouldnt happen for a longggggggg time though.
that or we end up getting stupidly overpopulated and laws to control the population and drugs to make men sterile will take effect. this is a pretty good possibility. for that time that the earth is very overpopulated the crime rate will be ridiculous though.
we should already have a law about this i personally think the world is getting way to over populated and over time were going to run out of food and water