Were to get compression bolt?


Steel Member
How would it not be 1/4 when it's a starnut.. 1/4 bolts come with FSA headsets for the starnut..

Correct me if i'm wrong.

Cory Z

i actually just made one with a threaded rod and a coupleing nut.
then used the bolt that came with the bike headset.
and bam! works like a champ!


there is obviously a lot of confusion. Ya I spent like an hour at home depot and OSH and neither of them sell the right bolt at the right length. m6 is a METRIC bolt, and this is the type of bolt that comes with the package when you buy a headset. this is pretty close to being a 1/4" bolt, but that is an ENGLISH bolt, and it doesn't convert or fit anything metric like the starnut because it has a different thread count. Its like apples and oranges lol.
Anthony Pellino wrote ...

Ian NO. It's m6 and they don't make m6 bolts 8 inches long. Get a threaded rod and weld a nut at the end or order a compression bolt through SR because I looked everywhere for a bolt that was m6-8 inches long


or email the guy at inward. hes hella nice and i already had the starnut and he sold me the bolt for 7 bucks plus 5 shipping. Shipped it that same day.