What deck should I get?

William Juniper

Steel Member
I got around $150 dollars for Christmas, what deck is the best for around there? For all the people saying that I should just save up for like a threshold, I cant get money very easily and I need one now.


Bronze member
well here are some options:
ultra pro
addict decks TAOS probably the cheapest
District v4
the new district DNA deck is sick (js)
envy deck (if you want to get cheap on it)
Lucky stinger deck...or for 160 bucks the lucky motion deck.
reg phoenix or phoenix integrated. (not reventon)
Sacrifice Vader deck (only black tho for some reason?
Scorpo intergrated deck
Phase Two John Radtke Deck
Grit invader for 160
AO Sigma Deck

and that all of them that i know of for that price range!


well here are some options:
ultra pro
addict decks TAOS probably the cheapest

District v4
the new district DNA deck is sick (js)
envy deck (if you want to get cheap on it)
Lucky stinger deck...or for 160 bucks the lucky motion deck.
reg phoenix or phoenix integrated. (not reventon)
Sacrifice Vader deck (only black tho for some reason?
Scorpo intergrated deck
Phase Two John Radtke Deck
Grit invader for 160
AO Sigma Deck

and that all of them that i know of for that price range!



Silver Member
Why the fuck would you bump this? I guarantee he's already gotten a deck by now... One doesn't simply wait a month with christmas money trying to decide what to get