What defines your style?



Bronze member
Gay, sketchy, somewhat techy, and kinda getting better? Mostly gay though. I hate my style

D= its sam!!

Domsicle said:
mat said:
Raziel said:
mat said:
D= its sam!! said:

defines me 120%.
delicious cake? v&.

tech street

Dat be sum chan (disregard rules 1 and 2) i be hearin?

anywho, BOT, i have no style.

i believe rules 1 and 2 only apply to raids

and i loled at dre

It applies to the chan itself... silly sausages

noope, only aplys to raids?

n who care anyway tbh? chans gone downhill for ages, pluss every1 knows bout the chans so y bother? lol
Tech on banks
Tech on de minis
Tech street
Can someone please define "tech" for me please?
Because I'm thinking that it means low to the ground stuff?
EDIT: I don't (excuse my language) give a crap that I bumped an old thread, so don't hate.