What did you do today?

Matt Dibble

Staff member
well i got my mom to agree to let people stay over for XW comp so thats good, and i was telling everyone who was online "woot woot my mom is letting me have people stay over for XW comp" and he replies "count me in, im staying at your house mate" so lol theres one spot gone.


i woke up.. i got on the computer... ate digorno (YUM!) then went up to the post office and mailed Andy's package. (eww sounds gross lol) and anyway its pretty rad.i came home and just chilled around the house.

oh yea last night i watched this pretty kickass movie called like flightplan or something similar.. idk i liked it for some reason, not typically a movie i would like. check that one out.



xlinkinparkdv8x (show me some AIM love!)


I woke up, went to school and did random stuff there then came home and did homework and fixed my scooter and did more homework and now I'm here.

Jake Carlyon

Steel Member
Woke up, cooked muffins then put shitloads of bacon on them...so awesome. Watched lion king 3. Played thps3. Seen on the film clip of "Had a bad day" thing at the end it shwos a picture of something that is exactly the same in thps3 "los angeles" so i was amazed. Went cruising the streets for ages with my brother brodie cranking NWA+Ice Cube+Eazy E - Fuck the police, was fuckin cool lol. Going scooting with mclean later probably have a vert sesh. Might see shannyn later

Matt Dibble

Staff member
woke up (because of jake..good old msn) then got on the computer.. then left the computer...
ate breakfast
watched tv
took a shower

and now im ehre

Brian Boston

I got myself banned.
Went to school. Took exam for religion. Came home, made some chicken quasadias. Now im trying to fix my damn fireplace. Its a little gas fireplace and it stays lit for like 30 seconds than it goes out and im about to just turn the gas on and start breathing it in lol

Travis House

Wu-Tang Master
Staff member
haha bri!

But a Religion exam? holy shit! We only Have Math, Science, English, French and Social Studies exams... a full week

Brian Boston

I got myself banned.
Well its either goto the catholic school 10 minute walk right near my house or black person infect school where you have to walk through metal dectors and shit just to get into school which is like a 10-15 minute drive away. You decide haha