jordan your life is full of penis lol.
yesterday was sweet as hell, got to ride a gnarly college. it was sunday and i didnt see campus police all day.
today, i walk in to chemistry, after being off school for like a bunch of days.
"alright, 4 of you have 2 extra school islands (like multiple choice things that take like 40 minutes each) and you get a zero on the homework, and Mr.Dibble here gets a zero on his test"
we are all like, WTF MATE?
he continues onward to say, "thank you guys for being good for the substitute teacher, and for the 4 that were not, I don't know what the office will do to you"
so sweet right, im like.. yeah. there goes my grade lol.
i went after school and asked him whats up, because i know i wasnt doing shit last class, and my entire class was like WTF why were you on that list? He said thats just what the substitute wrote down, and blah blah more stuff. But he said he kinda gets it and he will let the test thing go this time (so it actualyl gets graded instead of a 0, i think)
as for my referrals to the office, i have no idea. If they can accuse me of doing something wrong, and i did it, ill tell them i did it i dont care haha. It sucks balls though, because i used to be TERRIBLE in school... in trouble all the time because i took nothing seriously at all, and im finally pretty much over that... and teachers just wait to get me for stupid shit now.
anyway, im going to pwn so hard they cant even breathe!