Strap on
not even close.
i wear jeans that my balls can fit into, that i can get off without using powertools, tee shirt, low top skate shoes because high tops are trendy and ugly.
if you want to destroy the fuck out of your ankles go for it...i like hightops not to be trendy but because they help me ankles out..
Actually no i dont wear what the average scooter rider wheres i mostly where dubstep tees, Gray kinda skinny jeans because i hate blue jeans, and i wear osiris`s because they look good on me, dont look huge and they protect my ankle`s. You have a no swag wearing cargo shorts that every preppy teenager wheres. And im not even going to start talking about the tennis shoes haha!eww.
I wear cargo shorts, a t shirt, a helmet, and tennis shoes.
Actually no i dont wear what the average scooter rider wheres i mostly where dubstep tees, Gray kinda skinny jeans because i hate blue jeans, and i wear osiris`s because they look good on me, dont look huge and they protect my ankle`s. You have a no swag wearing cargo shorts that every preppy teenager wheres. And im not even going to start talking about the tennis shoes haha!
if you want to destroy the fuck out of your ankles go for it...i like hightops not to be trendy but because they help me ankles out..
I wear cargo shorts, a t shirt, a helmet, and tennis shoes.
Well then dont hate if thats just why i know there pricey.I'm too poor/lazy to get legit shoes.