What if..


Bronze member
what if we're just an experiment made by some scientists that are bigger than us, just to see if they could make a mini civilization? Or in other words there is a bigger universe controlling our universe.


I got myself banned.
What if that made sense? Or if you knew basic grammar and punctuation?

leave him alone he was just being creative? you dont need to be a fuckwit to everyone to raise your self esteem you know :) there are other ways of feeling good about yourself, like maybe have a fap?

humpurple kushiones

Steel Member
thanks for all your info anthony, your mature, knowledgable attitude really makes me think about things, your all knowing, and i look forward to seeing your post in every thread, whats a thread without anthony?!

im not all knowing, there no such thing. you're sarcasm isnt actually funny, the fact that you're delusional makes it worse. get over yourself.

Ben Moak

Steel Member
What if I'm the only living person on the whole earth and everyone around me are just robots there to push my life along.

What if I turn around and everything I was just looking at disappeared? And then I turn around again the things I was then just looking at disappeared but the other things I was looking at reappeared. And then I turned around to realize the other stuff has reappeared but I don't know if the things behind me are really there until I look at them.

i legit believed this when i was like 9