What is your longest manual?


dargersaurus rex
scootererwtf said:
i can manual forever down hills there so easy

its like riding a bike you never forget how to do or never get any worse at it
dude look at the date this thread is 2 months old. dont bump old threads alright

umm like 100ft pad and nose manual a 15ft pad
i manualled my whole hill.
from my house to the end.
and i did my friends whole hill. from the top all the way to his house

D= its sam!!

manuals are pretty boring unless u do them with something else or on something lmao#

but i duno how log my longest would be, loooooong way im guessing lol
I reached about twelve seconds the other night but it was a one footed manny,I can only two footed for like 4 sceconds at the most.