Wheels for Christmas?


Steel Member
Im looking to cop some new wheels for Christmas, and I was thinking of going either Vertx Mags, Proto Sliders, Phoenix wheels, or the new Julio's? I heard Vertx were really really good but I also heard they were bad, obviously sliders are good but theyre costy, and so are Phoenix's... Any opinions or help?


Silver Member
vertx mags are good had for like 2 months have not worn that mutch at all just ovalised quick berings do not fall out just death click but going to email vertx and they shuld take care of it


Steel Member
I think Julio's would be rad, just to try. Phoenix's seem alright just SUPER, costy. Protos are Protos, and I'm leaning towards Vertx but I dunno.

issac p

Silver Member
I really regret getting my vertx wheels. they were really uncomfortable to ride and they wore down really fast.


Silver Member
If you like strong, firm, lightweight wheels, get the Julios.

If you like slow wearing wheels that cushion your landings, get Protos.

Phoenix wheels are strong and slow wearing, but are kinda slow from my experience.

Can't give any input on VertX.


Bronze member
Ive had sliders a week and already dehubbing id recommend some eagle hollowtechs.

is that like, sarcasm bro? the hollowtechs are known to dehub really fast? so i personally wouldn't recommend them, and you must be landing pretty sketch because dehubbing sliders is hard, especially in a week.....

Alex Collins.

Bronze member
is that like, sarcasm bro? the hollowtechs are known to dehub really fast? so i personally wouldn't recommend them, and you must be landing pretty sketch because dehubbing sliders is hard, especially in a week.....

My hollowtechs have lasted so long and most people break sliders.