who remembers...


The name is Margaret
"Shitty Posts
If you decide to post shitty topics and/or ruin good topics on this forum your thread will be locked and displayed here for all to see. Don't be surprised if the moderators and admin take the liberty of editing your post to make you look more of a queer than you already are."

how come that left.

Jordan Jasa

Silver Member
somebody tell me about adam beyer...i heard he was one of the tech kings, and i've seen 2 tricks from him. is there any other footy?


Jordan said:
somebody tell me about adam beyer...i heard he was one of the tech kings, and i've seen 2 tricks from him. is there any other footy?

barspin late fingerwhips off tiny little ramps when double whips flat we're still considered a good trick. the kid was awesome.

Matt Ogle

i remember random stuff.
i remember when i posted the SIV preview a long time ago, and i backflipped into foam, and one of kat larios friends was like "sick backflip" and most others said the same.

haha if that were to happen now it would be like "do it on concrete pussy" haha.