why cant we have any legit scootering filmers?

Zach Hamrick

Bronze member
yeah nickeh rapes face at filming, and tottally agree he doesnt put out enough vids or scooter checks, he always has hella manly angles and good songs though.

Spencer Steed

Steel Member
There is plenty of good scooter filmers, Erik Feenstra, Josh Young, Tommy Daddono to name a few. But in my opinion, nickeh really isn't an amazing filmer. Don't get me wrong, he is well above the standard for scooter videos and his edits are done really well. If we are comparing to the skateboarding standard then there is no comparison.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bXBzVu2Zs-4 - Tommy Daddono and I filmed this. Although he edited