Worst crashes

man ive seen so many in the days lik my friend dylin was practicing bris just on flat and hit someones scooter witch made the deck move and smackedd him in the bak of the head aww. Well me i had to many lol the rail in mini2 i nutted meself thats fukin hurt and nofoot can can dubwhip smacked me head hard and got up lik 2 mins after
broke my ankle whipping a volcano hip back in the day.haha. sucked ass.

matt trout,when we just got to the tz comp and were in the practice run.did the hip.nose tagged and couldn't get his hands out in fornt of him and he fell all the way down on that moster hip to his chin. for the rest of the niht he was trying not to look at his mom because she would prob make a ig deal out of it.it wa sweet though the tissues dried into his huge scab and now he has a sweet scar.i wish someone filmed it would have been awesome to re watch
freaking Ryan davis got pissed and swung his scooter around and he had ghetto as pegs on and one of them went into my hand... :mad: then ~:( then :(( haha


Steel Member
a few years ago i was riding my scooter down this hill going wicked fast then this dog ran out in front of me and went infornt of my scooter and i went oever the handlebars and did a few front flips then landed on my head. results were a concussion.


i asked a kid if i jump over him and he said ok only if i could jump over u first and he was on a skateboard and he tred and the board landed on my head and i got a concusiion


Steel Member
my worst stack was probly when i went to jump the sketchy ass natural bank and i nosecased and faceplanted, fuk it hurt
Come to think of it..I think my worst Crash was in a game of set with coedie Jumping the bank to small quater at my local( coedie mini 2,he double downside whips it)

I tried to jump it and i under shot it and cased got all wraped up in my scooter and slid across the ground on my palms and face..we got it on tape but THE TAPE FUCKED UP!!!

Remeber that james,Where u there!

I know Aaron was he filmed!

But yea i got mega worked hahah!!
ill try and capture the fottage but it will be artifacted to the max!
i came up a quarter there was a deck then stairs i tailwhiped it then tryed to manual cliped the last stair nailed my head super hard i f i wasnt whereing a helmet ide be dead