Hey i just traded some cash and parts for a Tsi Freestyler 4.5 with a flexfender. A blue brass knuckles SCS a lucky Nork Fork, and a fsa the pig headset. Do you guys recommend these parts, and will they all work good together?
All is good thou... you might want to look into options of forks... maybe the smx lucky....pheonix...inward extreme offset...or e en a used proto...hint hint
I havent been scooting that long, 3 months. heres a list of what i can do
tailwhip, double, and tripple
Barspin and bar to bar
Fakie 180 tail
180 and 360 tail
180 tailwhip stall
i can almost bri
a can almost backy
i can 360 flat i can 540 out of bowls
i can heel whip, and double heel
and more, i just cant think now SO i think i deserve/ need these parts
Dude you sound like such a noob when you start a thread asking if a bunch of parts are good with all the tricks you can do.
If you're breaking parts and need stronger ones then go ahead, those parts are fine.
It's just so fucking stupid when you tell us you have already bought something asking if its good, and then tell us all the tricks you can do, if i told you all the tricks i can do i would have to list a million different combos.
Sorry if it was dickish but i really dont have much respect for threads like this.
i agree with zane. one of my friends does flairs about 2 ft over the coping of a 10 ft quarter, flip double whips, inwards flat and buttercups etc and he just rides a an ultra with stock forks a pair of eagles a $50(aud) sealed headset and some wee bars with a stock pro double clamp so no, i dont think you need those parts.