Wow has anyone seen this?


Keepin' Peace
Staff member
Rad Copies.
Inward Copies.
Proto Copies.
Ultra Copies.
TSI Copies.

Are there vulture bars chode enough?
And the invisible welds are done by a "plasma welder". Which i heard of in another thread about these people.
They look horrible.
The site is so badly done.


This stuff isn't made for you, it's made for BEGINNERS IN THE UK WHERE YOU CAN'T GET ANY PROTO OR RAD OR INWARD STUFF UNLESS YOU PAY FUCKLOADS. Stop being whiny little bitches! Shit!

Jamie N

Jamie N
how is the deck a copy of phoenix?? they were made way before phoenix decks came out and they dont even look the same. Ill admit they look a bit like TSIs but it has already been brought up in a thread before

Also, in the middle of the description, it says "Eagle bars will work with the new inverted compression or as standard bars".
...Eagle? Your Invert aren't you? Why are you talking about Eagle? :p
The "Invert special edition bars" used to be called "Invert Eagle bars".



tbh, i love my invert scooter deck i have ridden it for ages and nothing as happened to it and it hasnt showed any cracks or signs or it breaking
i also love my invert forks they are super legit and I THINK look alot better than sr forks, even if you disagree it is just what i think
i am not amazing but these parts have withstood alot of hard riding from not only me but alot of my friends too
i like that this company is bringing new parts into the UK and making products that we like the look of easier to purchase
TBH I LOVE INVERT :L dont care what you think :L


Anthony Pellino
punchstat how dont you know about double welds tsi have them and none of you care about tsi having them you are all so selfish coz a soon as a nother company comes up you just start slaging it of coz you have nothing better to do and in the uk we dont have any companys making crow bars and proto shit coz proto are amazing but the uk dont get it so we make it for the uk and you just look up to tsi and phoenix and lick there bumholes at whatever they do btw i not saying that tsi and phoenix are crap coz they are amazing but for once why dont you all just get on the scooters you spend so much money and time on and ride them and not slaging of new stuff that you dont like and licking the shit out of tsi and phoenix assholes and just enjoy the sport that we all love

and btw i dont own it my dad dose.

Do they teach you how to write correctly in school? And you can get your Proto stuff through Wee, because you CLEARLY do not make your products at the quality Proto does.

And no one here would have any problem with your products if you didn't make them with the INTENTION of them looking like Proto's parts and selling them for less money.

I can honestly say though, thats a helluva good way to make money off of stupid kids.