WTB: Scooter Stuff

yeah I told him on inbox. Hes new, he'll learn. Haha just slow down the pace and use the edit button please

edit: cj= most fail insults of 2008

ooh im bein serious, that would be great to put above his avatar

Joe Riley

The Gypsy
Staff member
stock bars? i have a purple deck and headtube the size of an old a deck with dropouts. i have an old a deck (no headtube). bunches of pairs of stock bars (one purple, tons others). first forum ive seen without someone who wants stuff and not forks.
look up scooterzone in river side on google maps, go to more info, then to the web pages, then find the bay one, and he has one piece bars or 3 piece for 75 dolras..also eagle sport metal cores.. 4o for one.. 70 for ywo and he has a lot of other stuff