im actually going to be making a DVD for a buffalo company who is having a benefit dinner thing. its going to be shown to the board of directors and be approx 7 minutes long, highlighting the good things kids can be doing instead of running the streets or whatever, and showcasing XW as helping kids find outlets for things to do.... or soemthing along those lines.
brian, if you could pleaseee capture and send full quality video to me that would be grand (or just mail the tape..) , because im going up to XW in a couple weeks (buying my new panny 3chipper) to film skating/bmx/inline... but i know there won't be any scooters to film there, and the rest she wants me to try to get off youtube... yuck.
so if you could, id really superrr appreciate it. and if you do ill send you like 4 get into XW for free passes, that way if you guys come up to the comp next year the day before you can all get in free. worth it