So the last time I rode was with Spencer Steed and some other dudes at Ollies like, forever ago. My right knee was f'ed to max(previous ACL tear, didnt know it) even before I rode with them but I rode anyway. I ended locking up in my right knee(wtf thats for old people!) and just flat out left because I felt so shitty. Less than a week later me and my now swollen knee of giantness go do some street riding and one 14 stair case later I have two broken legs, YAY! Sorry if I sound a bit insane, I break a lot. Anyway a couple rods, screws, cadaver(dead people) muscles and plastic caps later and I'm like the mother fuckin million dollar man.
Sorry, I'm a little happy. Went back to the skatepark finally and I still got all my tricks. My scooter sucks, always has, but I'm all good in the Indiana hood
Ebay stuff: A pink Metalcore for 60 AUS which is like $40 USD, ships worldwide:|66%3A2|65%3A12|39%3A1|240%3A1318
EDIT: and a black one:
and another pink one:
Sorry, I'm a little happy. Went back to the skatepark finally and I still got all my tricks. My scooter sucks, always has, but I'm all good in the Indiana hood
Ebay stuff: A pink Metalcore for 60 AUS which is like $40 USD, ships worldwide:|66%3A2|65%3A12|39%3A1|240%3A1318
EDIT: and a black one:
and another pink one: