Cut my old box jumps flat, down to a manny pad/grindbox. Just need to resurface it with inch thick high grade plywood, masonite and add angle iron. I'm looking to add an angle iron that covers four inches, so you always grind on metal, not masonite.
Either way, here's some throwaway I shot today while getting footage for a new video.
Manual to 180 lookback bail
"Run": Manual to 180 lookback, Manual double tailwhip
180 to half cab downside whip *sketchy*
180 to half cab downside whip *clean*
Manual to nollie whip out
Expect a lot more footage. I'll have my box done soon, and I plan on seshing a lot more often.
Either way, here's some throwaway I shot today while getting footage for a new video.
Manual to 180 lookback bail
"Run": Manual to 180 lookback, Manual double tailwhip
180 to half cab downside whip *sketchy*
180 to half cab downside whip *clean*
Manual to nollie whip out
Expect a lot more footage. I'll have my box done soon, and I plan on seshing a lot more often.