You just landed a prime trick, you're on top of the world, post here.

I learned alot this month: well to start off
Over a 4 or 3ft spine;
oppo bar
bar bar
Up a euro;
3 whip
front bri
bar bar
bar whip
whip bar
On like 5ft qp;
bar whip
Up bank;
3 whip
front bri
And a bunch of flat combos


Bronze member
Whip gap over a bush. i'm pretty old so i was stoked about it. first post .love the site very helpful for learning tricks.


Staff member
Such a FUCKING AWESOME DAY yesterday:

BAR BRIFLIP on a quarter (only had on qp/bank transfer) 4th try
Bar whip hip
Whip bar hip

Front Bri flyout (I suck so hard at these..)
COLOSSAL airs (6.5 feet or more)

allyoop tuck airs extended mad
allyoop downsides.. long allyoops
backflipped a 2 foot spine
decade a hump
bar whip hump

downside to.. 1 foot invert thing
quad whip out of a bank
hop off vert wall like 4 feet down into a qp, soooo scary
and board slide a rail haha
and gap a pyramid to land in feeble on the edge of it
Double whip flat
Trucks flat a lil more consistant
180 oppo bar half cab out
180 fakie oppo bar half cab out
180 half cab opo bar out
180 fakie bartwist half cab out
180 fakie 1hand to bar half cab out
180 fakie heelwhip half cab out
Better fsf's
Fingers flat 1ft


Keepin' Peace
Staff member
havnt had a scoot for ages.
so been tramp scooting.
bar to bar to bar
oppo bar to oppo whip
mc whip i think its called? where you finger whip with your hand behind you through your legs? iunno but there hella easy on tramp scoot.
finger whip to whip.
oppo finger whip.
bar to dub whip.
I learned all this at my local;
Fingerwhip air
Bar whip air consistant
Bar bar air inconsistant
Bar nose grab air
Fingerwhip spine
Bar bar spine
Bar whip spin
1 hander to barspin spine
Bartwist spine
Bar whip pyramid
Fingerwhip pyramid