wait wait wait...you have 1,700 posts but you just learned barspins?may sound stupid but i just landed my first 3 barspins
wait wait wait...you have 1,700 posts but you just learned barspins?may sound stupid but i just landed my first 3 barspins
By 3 barspins im pretty sure he means 360 barspins?
And by having lots of posts doesnt mean you have to be a good rider, and vice versa.
how sad i learnt my barsspins in 5 minutes. the noob is probably jacking off to coedi donavan right now. and his scooter is probably collecting dust.
it kinda suggests he posts more than he rides
^ on how tall of a quarter pipe?
suiside tucks
trucks flat
bar to febel 270 out
bar to whip
bar to tuck
all learned in one day. then at the end of the day i fucking broke my foot!