You just landed a prime trick, you're on top of the world, post here.

Bobby R

Steel Member
pretty big oppo bri air catches
about 4 and a half foot high flair on a 6 and a half foot halfpipe
oppo bar oppo handplant a vert wall
fingerwhip off a curb
footless rewind drop-in
and didn't really land this but i got a double frontflip into foam, full rotation.


I got myself banned.
powersilde to fakie... fun as hell
fakie dubwhip flat
bar airs! dunno why they're so sketch sometimes
halfcab bars on pretty much anything


Steel Member
Trucks flat almost every time, i cant even do them flyout or on banks...
Full cabs finally
working on 540 flat


Steel Member
Bartwists clean and consistent
Fakie bartwists
Fakie dub whips
Half cab oppo bar but only when going very slow
Fast half cab oppo bar to massive bruise :(