bar ice stall, bar to whip in
double peg stall, 450 in
whip to toothpick stall
whip to toothpick, bar in
whiplash to bar in
whiplash to whip in
toothpick grind about 8 feet on a mini.
bar ice, bartwist in
Today was peg day for me. alot of first evers in that list there i believe. i claim all of these tricks no one has ever done haha. i filmed all of them.
and since i havent posted in here in a while ill also add these too
roast beefs
bar to roast beef air
fs roast beef air
t-bog to lipslide
indy to lipslide
bar double peg to fingerwhip in
tuck to ice
bartwist ice
air to fakie over coping on a 6 footer
front bri late whip
360 bar bar whip
720 bar
flip tuck a streeet bank
720 street bank
sooooo much more