You just landed a prime trick, you're on top of the world, post here.


Silver Member
360 double whip to 360 pivot (however i did hop once or twice) flat, was an accident but I'm happy with it
Most frustrating trick haha
not most fustrating (for me at least), when I was a begginer and only rode on my street learning double whips was frustrating, so happy when i got them finally. for double heels just get them out of banks/flyout and get bring it to smaller and smaller things. also practice doing the motion of heelwhips all the time when you aren't riding as in my experience it helps

Also, some new learns:
benihana 180 flat (got it quickly as i can already bs 360 deck grab flat)
oppo nose grab (other hand), 2nd try

put a new deck on with no griptape
tripple whip flat on a deck with no grip tape
double heel up a curb with no grip tape
tripple whip up a curb with no grip tape
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Silver Member
oppo bar oppo bar flat completley out of the blue, i just tried it and landed it so unexpectedly, it wasnt even that sketchy either. was suprised and happy to land it 1st try
got 360 nose grabs too however idk if i landed them before or not, i can 360 deck grab flat so it didn't take long (deck grabs are much harder)

Devin DePriest

Beef Repellent
Staff member
Not the hardest thing in the world, but still pretty stoked on them because I hadn't thought of them before, but fastplant backlip slides on quarters.


Bronze member
I landed bs board fs 360
fs 5-0 to fs lip
bs 50 to bs lip
and I finally tried bs board to bs lip to bs 360, and I got it after like thirty minutes
All of them were on a flatbar


Bronze member
all on my sketch flatbar i was showing my mom some tricks

i did a backboard bar out

first try front board whipped over my rail and

first try heelwhipped over it