You know you're a scooter rider if


Silver Member
When you look different standing next to anyone else who doesn't.

When you can overhear kids listing tricks they can do that could easily be referred to BMX or skateboarding, but know they're talking about scooters.


you know you are a scooter rider when u got like 20 phone calls in 2 mins saying there was a scooter rider on nitro circus
you know your a scooter rider when u spend 5 min taking the word scooter off the sign saying these are not alowed in park
you know your a scooter rider when have a old pro box siting in your room with extra parts

The Milkman

Bronze member

I'm honored!


You No Your A Scooter Rider If When Home On A RAiny Ass DAy all you think about is everything ur gonnna try the second it stopss raining

- when skater kids calll u gay then ask to ride ur scooter
- when u no that everyone needs to get off sr and go ride
- When u do scooter fakies in ur hall way =P
- when the first thing u think about after getin out of school is ridding
- when u always have a comeback
- when u say thats what she said

Kevin Lo

Bronze member
You know you're a scooter rider when you....

-When you're taking a test and have that feeling of riding a park or flatland....
-When you go on SR to watch videos and log off to shred....
-When you stand up to scootering...
-When all you wanna do is go ride your scooter.....