Your bike thread


I'M A G.


Superstar Parkinson Frame - Spannish BB
WTP Forks - Dark blue
Illegal Cranks
Salt 32t Sproket
Primo Pedals
Salt Stem
GT Bars (added extention to 27")
Odyssey Seat
Odyssey Cassette wheel
FSA Impact Headset

What i need to ride.. (im gettin 2moz)

KMC Kool Chain
Propper Front Wheel

BTW i will be changing all my shitty parts like Pedals/Bars/Stem/Brake n stuff in the future just i need to spend my money on a wheel atm so i can atleast ride.


Not bad, but I really don't like Seniors, they're way too small and stuff I think. Do you pinch your seat for bars and stuff?


I'M A G.
I can't bar only lift up barspins lol and nah i pinch but its low so it hardly does anything.

And im only using this seat because itf better than my big fat wtp one, im gettin a Shadow seat soon.


Strip your WTP one! And you can make your seat lower if you mount the guts inside the seat, it's kinda tricky but it looks beter and is a lot lower too.


I'M A G.
lol na i don't want Oaths, i would cut em down anyways.. but il prob get that seat.

My Propper wheel came today, black hub/spoke and Chrome rim.


So my bike is now rideable still i need to buy a few things to get it dialed.. but yeah its not bad.

And yes i edited in the Sky on that pic haha

Hep Greg

i just ordered a bunch of new shit:

Fly Mosca 9B bars
Animal seat & seatpost
Animal Hamilton sealed pedals
Animal Edwin grips
Odyssey j-pegs (lighter)

and i ordered an intergrated Eastern Headset, but im saving that for when i order my Fit S3 frame.
i apologize for the size of the pic, i just got a new laptop and i dont have photoshop yet, so i cant resize it.



looks good

Finally Im getting a new frame..probably tomorrow or the next day (buying it off a friend for only 75 bucks)
plus I got different bars (like 26" or something)
primo tenderizer pedals (gold)
animal illegal brake cable
putting the brakes back on for now so I can hit some trails and such

but yea ill probably post pics either sunday or monday


Nice bikes, Greg, yours is really clean. Reeves, yours isn't as much lol. Is that a big sticker on the sprocket? If so, try to take it off because it's kinda gross. And cut down your seat tube (that sticks out the top) and put your clamp inside out so your seats totally slammed (if you want it slammed, that is).


Yea it is a sticker, but im most likely getting a new sprocket soon anyways. I don't want to cut my seat tube on this frame..but I will put my clamp inside out. how do I go about doing that though? lol


Well I meant to say seat post, like the guts. So anyway, you take them off, and instead of having the part that clamps onto the post under the seat, you put it in the seat, above the rails. Then you just put everything back together. You'll have to work it though, maybe. I put it on one of my friend's bike's that way and it took forever, and on another bike it took barely longer than usual.