Your bike thread


I looked for the old one and couldn't find it, so here's the new one!

Here's my old bike, old school Robinson SST, some parts of it are going on my new bike. It weighed in at about 27lbs, hopefully my new one will be as light.


My new bike in the making, you can tell everything pretty much, the frame's a Federal Hamilton 19", sprocket's gonna be a 28t Mosh guard, cranks will be Profile, back wheel will be a 10t Oddessey one.


And my moutain bike, with the squeakiest back brakes of all time.


Travis House

Wu-Tang Master
Staff member
I need a new frame sooo bad. If I ever get one, Ill post a pick because my old ratty one ton dimondback is an emberessment

Eric Magray

Steel Member
eric magray said:
my bmxycle

fit on profiles

odessey senior on odessey intac

animal edwins on odessey civillian svelte(spelling?)

black pig pro sealed

animal glh in the front and asm in the back

thats it no special rims hubs or anything like that(too much money)
brakeless in l-town is how we roll

edit: oh and yea pics are a little old so ill tell that my seat is now slammed and broken and electrical taped, a few more spokes broken and soon im gonna cut off the mounts bondo them and repaint the frame.


Nice bike, I love that seat so much, and I was gonna say slam it but then I read your post haha. On my friend's bike we cut off the cable guides and part of the brake mounts, mostly because it would be too much of a hassle to do all of it.


Wow that's an ugly but nice bike at the same time. Lose all the stickers and it'll make it +infinity. Also, what is it?