issac miller
Bronze member
vaughn.... shut the hell up... seriously. all you do is talk about how good and legit TSI is but bash every other company out there.
vaughn.... shut the hell up... seriously. all you do is talk about how good and legit TSI is but bash every other company out there.
Omfgg howw?
Har, Whats your next deck?
woah yours didnt even break at the weld, what trick did it break on?
it look like its a week old
vaughn.... shut the hell up... seriously. all you do is talk about how good and legit TSI is but bash every other company out there.
I hate to burst your guys tsi boner, but they said nothat's pretty unlegit too me.....
Yea thts why TSI should be legit and give me a new one, I knOw they have a million
no, you broke something, everytime you break something you cant expect them to replace it.
everything breaks over time, TSI is legit, but doesnt have a huge fucking factory producing a megashit ton of decks.
see the difference in the middle??