Steel Member
no, you shut up tyler.
i will not be silenced.
no, you shut up tyler.
That's what you get for not using scs.
dirtclod, shit happens, back before one piece decks were even out, we rode carefully knowing that landing in certain spots on the decks and just doing sketchy things in general were bad for our rides, now people think "One piece? should last me a decade" then when it breaks because they rode sketchy as fuck or threw there scooter, they throw a bitch fit.
This has NOTHING to do with this misshap.
1. its not a b model deck
2. i never touched it
phoenix offered me a new wedge fork but they dont have blue, they also wanted me to pay for the shipping of it to Oregon, |o|
my friends eagle after a hour
383188_2168710106777_1517431301_31700559_1103497258_n by alfiew1, on Flickr
386216_2168712786844_1517431301_31700560_1613720125_n by alfiew1, on Flickr
When I rode a Nitro, people would constantly tell me that my deck flexed when I did double whips flat.
Man you kids can't handle a minor issue without bawling. If it was 2007 again you would probably not scooter at all
Man you kids can't handle a minor issue without bawling. If it was 2007 again you would probably not scooter at all