robbie cook

the crack is getting bigger fast..
kinda shit for street? Are you kidding? V2i-s are some of the best decks for street.
the crack is getting bigger fast..
i grinded through mine in 3 monthskinda shit for street? Are you kidding? V2i-s are some of the best decks for street.
Ouch dude that sucks. I had a mate that had the same happen to him but he gets angry when he cant do something and throws and hits his scoot, then one day he did a hang 5 to heelwhip off a ledge and his reventon brokeyou should try and get a warranty for that deck.
i grinded through mine in 3 months
thats shit
dude i have had this deck for over a year, there is no way they are going to warranty it!
dude i have had this deck for over a year, there is no way they are going to warranty it!