Your dirt scooter


Bronze member
Dont forget about these guys!!!!!/KUBARS.components

they said it would be under 400 euros
so like $530 USD (w/o shipping from europe)


Bronze member
this is mine its like 60 bucks its fun... kinda smalll wheels but whatever and the bottom of the deck dosent always touch


^yo i have one of those decks too. We threw the wheels on a different scoot tho until the back one broke :/


i don't think they are THAT good for straight up trails even when they are dry and hard packed. at least not as good as 12" wheels. but for park street and dirt jumps specifically made for scooters, the 6" razor wheels are where its at.

The wheels on the scoot in your pic don't pump up as hard as the razor ones tho so they are a bit slower. and they are a bit skinnier too so they rut into the lips if they aren't like rock solid hard packed

Victor C.

bump. seriously, RAD should make a dirt scooter. The one with the green and orange rims. I would buy it if it was like $200 - $300, and i'm sure quite a few other people would too! :)


Steel Member
does anyone know the specs of this scoot?
i wanna make one

Grips: Blunt
Bars: Blunt MP clear coat
SCS: Kubar scs
Headset: District Basic threadless
Fork: Kubars Dirt Scoot stainless steel fork threadless
Tires: MBS Dirt tires
Tubes: Rubena
Cores: Kubars Dirt Scoot cores
Frame: Kubars Dirt Scoot stainless steel frame
Plate: Kubars Dirt Scoot ALU plate, 5°concave, 5"
Brake: Kubars Dirt Scoot ALU brake
Bearings: MBS ABEC7


Thats all i've heard from the person i know who's stocking them, this kind of kubar dirt scooter comes with blunt MP bars on it so theyre just the standard blunt sizes(quite small for a dirtscooter)Imo.