Your fastest speed?


Bronze member
ok calm the fuck down. im not a douche. im just posting shit sorry for tyring to get a few laughs out of it. damn kids just cant be kids anymore can they?


Silver Member
Sorry, he doesnt like me becuase im not in the nimbus gang

See that's what I fucking mean, I didn't even come up with the name, Someone else did I liked it better then simply having "tilt nimbus". And it's not that I don't like you it's just that my first impersion of you from the tilt thread is that you try to hard to be funny and you assured my assumptions with posting what you did here.

Back on topic.

netty speghetti

Bronze member
Damn some of these speeds are crazy. I'm nervous to go fast on scooter. I had a bad incident hill bombing back in 2001. Pebbles are my biggest enemy lol

netty speghetti

Bronze member
You only live once.

True but at the end of the day, I have a kid to take care of. My reckless thrashing my body days have come to a halt. I still have fun riding and what not I just have to play it safe. Ill hill bomb with her this summer. But it's going to be a speed that if I have to bail ill be able to catch myself :cool:


Silver Member
I just lean back pretty far when i'm bombing hills.

This. Take most of the weight of your front wheel and you should be fine. Also, run your headset a little looser it helps your arms and wrists because it doesn't jolt so hard on rough surfaces.

Got to 68km/h today skitching a ute but I still haven't been to the hill. Most likely going tomorrow.