Your future/school

I went to 9 years of Catholic school so far and have held an A and B average throughout my whole life. I'd like to go somewhere like Boston University or Penn State. I play baseball but let's just say I'm not getting any scholarships for that. I just finished mid-terms before Christmas break and I did pretty good on them. There you go.

Penn State <33
Heard that's a good uni. Anyways im about straight 1's (A's in USA) and hoping to apply for a solid job in Dentistry. :)
Might try and get into an American University/College though, but depends on the cost.


I care because I want a good job and then a nice house and I won't really have to worry about anything.


Steel Member
im going to be an air traffic controler so far what i've read into you just need training for 2 to 3 years but i'll still probally go to collage and get my ac. in somthing

Big L

Steel Member
I obviously plan on doing something with my life, i try in school but i have not a clue what im going to do with my life haha
dan warwick my OG nigga! :)

haha yea im going on my second semester as an environmental engineering major

<33333 awesome man, that'd be a sweet degree.

My school has "paths" they set you up on, hard to explain, but basically because I said I want to go into psychiatry/medicine I'll be taking AP Psychology/Sociology and AP Statistics/Anatomy instead of calculus and ----- since super advanced math isn't going to be part of my degree. In texas, top 10% guarantees you admission to any state university (other than University of Texas, where I want to go, which is top 7%), so in state I'm not too worried about acceptance. I'm more worried about the 12 fucking years of school if I DO decide to go into research psychiatry.

Big L

Steel Member
At my school our principal has promised everyone in the school, as long as you dont miss any days, and you TRY every bit of work the teacher gives you, you will pass, no questions asked. So literally i could go to school everyday and write like a sentence about the subject on everything and i could pass. School is easy anyway, i could never imagine getting like below a 70 in a class


I'm more worried about the 12 fucking years of school if I DO decide to go into research psychiatry.
that sucks dude. my sister wants to go into criminal psychiatry or something, i dont know what its called. like determining if the person is fit for trial, or if their insane. i dont know if she knows about the 12 years of school though haha

Jamie Gantz

Steel Member
I do good in school,I've had 4.0 GPA all my life,take a couple advanced classes,and stuff.
I'm not really sure about where I want to go to college,but I definitely want to.
Yeah I've kinda got plans. Finish school with good grades (I want some A's and at least B's), my teachers/mum&dad all say i don't put enough effort in but I still manage to be in the top set group of the year and i'm in the top of that group haha. I still don't know what Im actually going to go on to do but i'm thinking about studying Math, Business, History and then a short course in maybe media or sociology at college. Then when i've done college I want to go on to University to maybe pursue the history/Media aspect of it since they're pretty much what i'm interested in.


i do care but im lazy,and my math teacher is a real douche,last year (8th grade) i had C's and higher but now my math teacher is a douche,he gives like 3 minute lessons at the very end of the class,then gives you like 25 quiestions of homework,and if you dont understand the lesson,welll to bad,cause im not getting late for my next block so yeah

this is the exact same thing my math teacher does now, but im fortunate to have an older brother to teach me when im in need


yes. Im planning on becoming a lawyer then going into politics after i make a decent living for myself.
Sorry, but this has been bugging me for a while..

Right now I'm about to start 2nd semester of my engineering courses at uni over here. I failed some of my first semester courses too so I kinda fucked myself over there, gonna have to take a bunch of courses in the summer most likely. Oh well...


i care i get like As and Bs and im planing on becomeing a welder. Im 16 now and i can allready weld steel, mig arc and tig and for the past month or two i can weld aluminum. So once i get like a good welder im hopein to start makeing some great parts


Jake Mutha Fuckin Hershey
i care i get like As and Bs and im planing on becomeing a welder. Im 16 now and i can allready weld steel, mig arc and tig and for the past month or two i can weld aluminum. So once i get like a good welder im hopein to start makeing some great parts

where u from?


i plan on going to San Diego State University to study business and economics....but if im not accepted then ill go 2 JC for 2 years first


Steel Member
i dont really "try" in school, like i do the work and stuff but i never really do much hmwk, the only time i might is around exams where ill actually need it, i usually get all 80's and 90's and maybe a high 70 in one course, i have literally no idea what i actually wanna do though or if im going to college or uni, what classes im gonna need for whatever i decide and all that so it kinda scares me.
im trying to do really well in school so i can get a partial scholarship for lacrosse on the eastcoast like cornell or maryland or johns hopkins. lacrosse is the only thing that motivates me to do well in school.

and i think alot of people that dont give a shit in school from 7th grade and up, their just digging a hole for themselves for their future. you do bad now, its almost impossible to get a fresh start and do good.